
Promotion: Register your .uk domain for 1 year for free!

Register your .uk equivalent domain between 10th November 2015 and 7th January 2016 and it’s FREE to you for the first year

  • Your shorter .uk domain name is reserved and waiting for you!
  • Register your .uk between 10th November and 7th January 2016
  • It’s FREE to you for the first year. After that normal annual fees apply
“I thought about building our business on a different domain, but no other could proudly celebrate our heritage as well as .uk can. It perfectly positions us to fulfil our ambitions.”
Richard Heath Owner, Devonshire Tea

Why choose to register your reserved .uk domain name?

  • UK Domain - Reasons WhyIt’s a shorter UK focused web domain for businesses and individuals. It brings the UK domain space in line with the more familiar international format of other shorter country codes like .de and .fr
  • A .uk domain puts the emphasis firmly on your brand – exactly where it should be, to help you reach a wider audience and increase sales
  • It brings all the same benefits of trust, reliability and credibility as the, and other members of the UK domain family
  • .uk is easier to remember and firmly states where you are and who your audience is
  • Being shorter the .uk domain lends itself well to social media channels such as Twitter where every character counts
  • .uk is easier and quicker to communicate to your audience and easy to remember
“We engage more closely with our audience with a .uk”
Yiuwin – The Pitch

Get the .uk FREE* if you register it between 10th November 2015 and 7th January 2016

As the proud owner of a web address from the .uk domain family, between 10th November 2015 and 7th January 2016 you are eligible to take up your rights to the .uk domain name of the same string free of charge!
*Your domain is free for the first year. Normal renewal fees apply after one year.
Important notes:
  • If you do not renew your domain you will lose the right of first refusal
  • Any domain not renewed will no longer carry your right of first refusal

Don’t miss this great offer. Start using and benefitting from your new .uk domain today!

You’ll be in great company! The shorter the .uk domain name launched in June 2014 and has already been taken up by over 400,000 people and businesses.

Put your .uk domain to work for your brand

UK Domain - Buy Now

Key Facts


  • This offer is only available to customers who are .uk rights holders only
  • Applies to one year .uk second level domains (multi-year registrations are excluded)
  • Renewals submitted after the one year registration and before billing will increase the registration of the domain name to the total term (initial term + renewal period) meaning the one year period will no longer be free
  • Renewals will be charged at the listed price
  • Second level .uk 1 year registrations for non-rights holders will be charged at the listed price
  • The length of registration of the qualifying domain (e.g. has no bearing on the promotion
  • We will refund your payment after successfully verifying your right to register the .uk domain of your choice

Claim your .uk domain now


See how .uk is working for UK business already

Claim your free .uk domain today

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