I recently made the switch from using a Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) set up to using a 15″ MacBook Pro (Feb 2011 model).
For most of the work I was doing, including web design, the mac seems to handle everything fine. However, I had a few issues with the Firefox and Chrome.
With Firefox, flash just seeemed to appear as scrambled lines on the screen and I could barely watch videos or see any displayed data (e.g. in Google Analytics).
After some careful Googling the fix that seemed to work was running Firefox in 32 Bit mode.
Apparently, this is quite a common problem with the Firefox + Flash + Mac combination so I’m posting the fix, in the hope that it will help someone.
The Solution
Finder > applications > firefox > get info > check “open in 32 bit mode”
Then simple Command and Q on your keyboard to quit Firefox and restart it.
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